Tech Forward Conservatism vs Nature Leaning Liberalism, and Everything in Between

Are you on the political left or the political right? Ben Steyn wants to ask you the same question with regards to nature and technology. Do you lean tech or do you lean nature? For instance, what do you think about growing human babies outside of a womb (aka ectogenesis)? Are you inclined to find it an affront to nature and you want politicians to make it illegal? Are you inclined to find it a tech wonder and you want to make sure elected officials don’t ban such a thing? Ben claims that nature vs. tech leanings don’t map on nicely to the political left vs right distinction. We need a new axis by which we evaluate our politicians. Really thought-provoking conversation - enjoy!

Om Podcasten

I talk with the smartest people I can find working or researching anywhere near the intersection of emerging technologies and their ethical impacts. From AI to social media to quantum computers and blockchain. From hallucinating chatbots to AI judges to who gets control over decentralized applications. If it’s coming down the tech pipeline (or it’s here already), we’ll pick it apart, figure out its implications, and break down what we should do about it.