World Environment Day Special - Biodiversity

Note: This episode was recorded remotely, adhering to UK Government advice during the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, the global theme for World Environment Day is ‘Biodiversity’, which sets the topic for this episode.Dougal Driver CEnv, will be conducting the interview as a special guest. As he is World Environment Day lead at the Society, that makes him the ideal chair for this special episode of the podcast.Dougal is a Chartered Environmentalist via the Institute of Chartered Foresters. Among his many roles, he is Chief Executive of Grown in Britain, chairs several forestry committees, advise ministers, wildlife trusts and private companies on organisational and environmental strategies. Being interviewed today is Caroline Drummond MBE HonFSE CEnv.Caroline, a Chartered Environmentalist via the Institute of Agricultural Management, has been running LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming) since 1991. Her work focuses on encouraging more sustainable farming practices and building better public trust and understanding of farming, food, health and the environment  Grown in Britian -  //Leaf -  //Institute of Chartered Foresters -  //Institute of Agricultural Management -  //// Twitter: @SocEnv_HQ // YouTube: Society for the Environment // Website: // Check out our other platforms: YouTube: Society for the Environment //Website: // LinkedIn: society-for-the-environment // Twitter: @SocEnv_HQ

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Our monthly EnvCast podcast series is designed to provide insight into the lives of environmental professionals. What drives them? How did they get where they are today? Why do they do what they do? The selection of Chartered Environmentalists, Registered Environmental Practitioners and Registered Environmental Technicians that we’ll be interviewing each month is as diverse as our register is, with our podcasts featuring environmental experts from across a variety of sectors and disciplines. Areas of expertise range from air quality to waste management, water to engineering. You can make sure not to miss any of our podcasts by subscribing now! // LinkedIn: Society for the Environment // Twitter: @SocEnv_HQ // YouTube: Society for the Environment // website: