South Korea and Japan: Divergent Paths to Energy Security

This week, Dr. Seong-ik Oh, Director General of the Korean Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, joins Jane Nakano, senior fellow with the CSIS Energy Security and Climate Change Program, to look at the differences between South Korea and Japan's energy policies and the factors that developed these different strategies. Dr. Oh also discusses how the dual challenge of energy security and climate change is advancing how Korea and Japan diversifying their energy production, including greater nuclear power and renewable energy resources. Dr. Oh is the author of the recent book: Overseas Energy Investment of Korea and Japan: How did Two East Asian Resources-Rare Industrial Giants Respond to Energy Security Challenges.

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Energy 360 examines the energy landscape from the intersection of policy, markets, technologies, and geopolitics. With commentary from leading energy and CSIS experts, we provide context and perspective on the most critical issues shaping energy today. Hosted by the CSIS Energy and National Security Program.