167: Dränkt i Port of Leith
En trea whisky - A podcast by Jeroen Wolfers, Mathias Elovsson, David Tjeder - Tuesdays
FÖRSTA SVENNEBANANEN I TRAINSPOTTING. Premiär när David, som förste svensk, besöker Port of Leith distillery och får en pratstund med en av grundarna, Paddy Fletcher. Och Mackmyra blir snuvade på några meters höjd. Choose a life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television. Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Änd vi spik änglish. A really deep dive into the Port of Leith distillery! But first: no, David. His name is not Andrew Motley, it’s Arthur. Shame! Shame! Shame! Homepage: https://www.leithdistillery.com/ Also here: https://www.facebook.com/leithdistillery The stills went in mid-March: https://www.scottishconstructionnow.com/articles/stills-installed-at-port-of-leith-distillery Royal Yacht Britannia: https://www.royalyachtbritannia.co.uk/ A little more on the distillery: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-65013808 https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/news/people/edinburgh-distilleries-historic-moment-for-ps12m-port-of-leith-distillery-as-attraction-prepares-to-open-4072982 SMWS who have their famous Vaults in Leith: https://smws.com/ A little bit of history of Leith: http://www.leithlocalhistorysociety.org.uk/timeline/timeline.htm https://trulyedinburgh.com/scotland-history/leith-the-port-of-edinburgh/ https://snr.org.uk/the-mariners-mirror-podcast/maritime-scotland-2-the-shipbuilders-of-leith/ Leith and whisky history: https://edinburgh.org/storyneverends/history-of-spirits/ https://www.leithforever.org/100days/day-91 https://wovenwhisky.com/blogs/news/making-whisky-in-leith https://spencerfield.wordpress.com/2010/08/05/edinburghs-port-of-leith-a-distilling-history/ http://www.leithlocalhistorysociety.org.uk/businesses/william_sanderson.htm Port of Leith have already bottled both sherry and port – a fun and innovative move, we think! https://www.leithdistillery.com/port-of-leith-sherry https://www.leithdistillery.com/port-of-leith-port Whisky and yeast is a huge topic. Here are a few things to start you off: Dave Broom, ”Is yeast whisky’s new frontier of flavour?”, 31/1 2019: https://scotchwhisky.com/magazine/features/22834/is-yeast-whisky-s-new-frontier-of-flavour/ Inge Russell, ”Understanding yeast fundamentals”, in K. A. Jacques, T. P. Lyons & D. R Kelsall, eds., The alcohol textbook: A reference for the beverage, fuel and industrial alcohol industries, 4 ed. (Nottingham: Nottingham University Press, 2003), pp. 85–120. Inge Russell ”Distilling yeast and fermentation”, in Russell, Inge, Graham G. Stewart & Julie Kellershohn, eds. Whisky and other spirits: Technology, production and marketing, 3 ed. (London: Academic Press, 2022), pp. 213–236. Teemu Strengell, ”Yeasts: pedigree and properties”, 30/9 2011: http://whiskyscience.blogspot.com/2011/09/yeasts-pedigree-and-properties.html Ian Wisniewski, ”Yeast use”: https://whiskymag.com/story/yeast-use If you want to go reaaaaaaaaaally deep: Stewart, Graham G., Brewing and distilling yeasts (Cham: Springer, 2017). Herriot-Watt University: https://www.hw.ac.uk/ Vintages in whisky: http://tjederswhisky.se/vintage/ https://scotchwhisky.com/magazine/the-whisky-virgin/12025/deciphering-age-statements-nas-and-vintages/ brewer’s yeast: Ian Wisniewski, ”Brewer’s decline”, Whisky Magazine 84 (2009): https://whiskymag.com/story/brewers-decline natural wine: https://www.foodandwine.com/wine/what-is-natural-wine Här når du oss: En trea whisky på Facebook Maila till oss på [email protected] Davids blogg tjederswhisky.se Följ oss på Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/entreawhisky Bli medlem! https://entreawhisky.memberful.com/checkout?plan=74960