247. Can You Be Happy and Profitable?

Empire Building - A podcast by Keller Podcast Network - Mondays


Have you lost that spark of joy you used to have about your business? Have things started to feel heavy in a way they didn’t before? In this episode, we discuss our personal experience adjusting our business model to find joy again.At our recent flagship event, Brianna Wiest put it perfectly: “Growth can often mean letting go of the person or the business that has kept you safe in order to become the one who can set you free.” Listen in as we discuss how we facilitated deep discussion among ourselves about the changes that needed to be made at “Her Best Life.” If you’re interested in exploring your growth and transformation more in-depth, come join us. Apply at: https://www.herbestlife.com/empirecircle.Resources:Apply to join our Empire Circle community at https://www.herbestlife.com/empirecircle Connect on Instagram:Seychelle Van Poole: @seychellevpSarah Reynolds: @sarahreynoldsojiWendy Papasan: @wendypapasanKymber Lovett-Menkiti: @kymbermenkitiTiffany Fykes: @tiffanyfykesProduced by NOVAThis podcast is for general informational purposes only. The guest's views, thoughts, and opinions represent those of the guest and not KWRI and its affiliates and should not be construed as financial, economic, legal, tax, or other advice. This podcast is provided without any warranty, or guarantee of its accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or results from using the information.Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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