Climate Action St Andrews and Line in the Sand - STAR Radio Podcast

Eco Activist Journeys - A podcast by Léa Weimann


Whose future? - Our future. Let's keep the momentum going and continuing pushing for climate action! 

On the 20th of September 2019, a day of global climate strikes, citizens, students and children of St Andrews came together to form a line in the sand for climate change of 1.200 people. This podcast recording is a discussion about the Climate Action St Andrews group, the global climate strikes and the need to keep the momentum going.

I was joined in the radio studio for a live show on STAR by my friend and fellow climate activist Bethany Carol on Friday the 4th of October 2019. Our message to you is - keep that passion for our future bottled up inside of you and don’t give up. Get involved. Use your voice. Make a difference.