Earth Matters - Episode 201412141100

Earth Matters - A podcast by Megan Williams, Bec Horridge, Nicky Stott, Eiddwen Jeffery, Judith Peppard & Jacob Gamble. - Sundays


The Bunya Pine is an ancient and sacred tree. It's native to Cubbi Cubbi country in South East Queensland. It has long been an important food source for Aboriginal Australians and European colonisers are starting to catch onto the idea too. On this show we talk to Aunty Beverly Hand from Cubbi Cubbi country who organises the annual Bunya Dreaming; Patrick Evans from Maton who make a Bunya Pine Guitar; Bryant Wells the head chef at Tukka who cook with the Bunya Nut; Adam Burgess horticulturalist from the National Arboretum in Canberra which has a forest of 600 Bunya Pines; and Byron Joel who is a regenerative agricultural designer.Special permission given by Eliza Allard to podcast her song.