Season 2 Chats with Scott Leiper

The Dying for a Life podcast is about living life well and understanding the multiple deaths that happen in our life - sounds jolly right?  In this episode I am speaking with THE Scott Leiper.  Scott is a baker, a creator and curator of brilliance. His sourdough and vegan delights are quite magnificent and he helps people change the world.  His creations are experienced (over and above the sourdough) in corporate offices, Zoom rooms and in his products such as Cognitive by Imaginocity.  Quite frankly - he's a delightful human.    Check out his cards here: Check out his other work here  

Om Podcasten

This podcast by Kirsty Mac is a one woman show with interviews - she could not decide on the format! In researching of her book she started an unplanned journey into researching death (deeply joyful!) and, well, living. To have a life, a beautiful heart centred whole hearted life, part of us has to die. You have to let go of the ego and the notion of the self in order to be. Madness. And so these conversations are an expansion of the research and conversations about really living. Its light- well thats the plan - whilst doing some deep dives into what it means to live a life. Conversations will be about death of reality, the ego business, relationships, the dream and maybe even death of meaning.Given that this was recorded, to begin with, in 2020, it brings about some interesting conversations. Thankyou for listening in.