DP 045: Lessons Learned from 225+ Episodes of Nonprofit Radio with Tony Martignetti
Driving Participation Podcast: What Is Working in Marketing & Fundraising | Nonprofits | Schools | Associations - A podcast by Beth Brodovsky

This week Beth gets to turn the tables as Tony Martignetti from Nonprofit Radio gets to be a guest for a change. In over 225 episodes, Tony has had more than 500 conversations with nonprofit leaders and consultants on topics critical to the success of small to medium sized organizations. Beth asked Tony to share the lessons, trends and struggles that show up over and over among his many guests. Listen in and learn the top issues that cause roadblocks for hundreds of organizations hear Tony's ideas for getting past them. One big one: thinking strategically. If that's an issue on your team, join me for a free webinar April 7, 2015 to think bigger about your brand Register at www.nonprofittoolkit.net/afpbb