NEVER Cook With This Again
Dr. Berg’s Healthy Keto and Intermittent Fasting Podcast - A podcast by Dr. Eric Berg

Seed oils are often labeled “heart healthy,” but what's the truth? The average person consumes vegetable seed oil daily, not just as a cooking oil, but on their food. Discover the truth about seed oils and why you’ll want to eliminate them from your diet today. Recommended Olive Oil Link: Video on GRAS: ▶️ • Guess Which Percent Of Chemicals in Your Food Are Self-Certified and Not FDA Approved? Vegetable oils do not come from vegetables. Vegetable seed oils are highly processed oils that are processed with high heat and chemical solvents. When heat is added to refined oils, toxic byproducts like trans fats are created. Seed oils are genetically modified, so they often contain traces of glyphosate. BHA is a toxic byproduct found in seed oils and is classified as a possible human carcinogen. Other toxic byproducts can affect the immune system, nervous system, and liver. All chronic diseases involve inflammation. Vegetable oils are the most inflammatory thing that you can consume. They create damage at the cellular level and are often stored in the fat cells because they can’t be used for fuel. It takes a year and a half to detoxify seed oils from the membranes in our bodies. Soy, corn, sunflower, canola, and cottonseed are the most common seed oils. Cottonseed oil is the worst seed oil as it produces the most toxicity and has the most omega-6 fatty acids. Cottonseed oil is highly inflammatory and is often hidden in animal feed. Any time you have inflammation, you also have a lack of oxygen. Cancer thrives in an area that’s inflamed or doesn’t have oxygen. Inflammation from seed oils can also contribute to insulin resistance. Do not use vegetable oils at all! Replace seed oils with the following healthy cooking oils: •Extra virgin olive oil •Coconut oil •Butter •Ghee •Red palm oil •Tallow •Lard Mayo contains seed oils, so look for one without, like Chosen Mayo, which is made with avocado oil. It's best to avoid deep-fried foods. An air fryer can simulate fried foods, and crushed pork rinds rather than wheat products can be used as breading.