Radio Free Skaro #926 - Unconfidential

Doctor Who has been Unleashed! Yes, Confidential is returning in the form of Doctor Who: Unleashed and roaming around biting people and then having a nap or possibly catching a frisbee in its teeth. In reality a whole new generation of behind-the-scenes nerds will have a new look at the process of making Doctor Who, which is most exciting. There’s also the Doctor Who @60 concert, which is headed to the iPlayer and BBC Sounds on October 15 and will include the new Who theme along with other new and old material, which is most exciting. Plus Doctor Who RPG news, Simon Guerrier’s two new David Whitaker-themed books, another chapter in the ongoing Season 20 Blu-Ray scandal, and Part Three of our Classic Series Commentary for “Mawdryn Undead”! Links: Support Radio Free Skaro on Patreon Doctor Who Unleashed coming to BBC Three, iPlayer in November Doctor Who @60 concert coming to BBC Radio 2 October 15, iPlayer later DW @60 concert will feature the debut of the new theme RTD, Moffat and Chibnall together for the DW @60 concert Michael Gambon died David Whitaker in an Exciting Adventure With Television coming November 6 Simon Guerrier also writing the Black Archive book for The Edge of Destruction, due Oct Doctor Who Magazine Doctor Who: 60 Moments In Time due Oct 26 DW Collection Peter Davison Season 2 coming January 23 (BBC Canada link) DW Collection Peter Davison Season 2 coming January 23 (BBC USA link) Cubicle7 Doctor Who: Sixty Years of Adventure Book 1 due 4Q23 Cubicle7 Doctor Who: Sixty Years of Adventure Book 2 due 4Q23 Big Finish Doctor Who – The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: Broken Hearts due Nov 2023 Time and the Rani soundtrack listed on Amazon UK as “under sink storage”, due Nov 24 Commentary: Mawdryn Undead, Part Three

Om Podcasten

Radio Free Skaro is possibly the most popular, most prolific and charmingly irreverent (but never irrelevant) Doctor Who podcast around. Since August 2006, hosts Warren (in Vancouver, BC) and Steven (in Edmonton, AB) have provided listeners with their brand of amusing Doctor Who praise and punishment. A year later, Chris (also in Edmonton, AB) was added to the team, and The Three Who Rule were born. Recommended by Doctor Who Magazine, Radio Free Skaro provides an entertaining and diverting listen for the diehard or casual Doctor Who fan. New episodes usually appear on Sundays, following a loose magazine format of the three hosts discussing the news and events of the past week in the worlds of Doctor Who, Torchwood, and the Sarah Jane Adventures. They have also recorded special commentary podcasts for classic series and new series episodes of Doctor Who along with interviews of some of the brightest of the Doctor Who luminaries. Radio Free Skaro is also the official podcast of Gallifrey One, the world’s largest and longest-running annual Doctor Who convention.