522. FUTURES 5. Accelerating learning (Denmark). A talk with Jesper Christiansen
Diseño y Diáspora - A podcast by Mariana Salgado
Jesper Christiansen is a public innovation thinker and practitioner with a background in anthropology. His work focuses on how to deal most effectively with public problems in order to pursue the common good – in particular through better ecosystems for research and development. He is working in the States of Change, a non-for- profit organisation based in Australia and operating around the globe. They work on collective learning in issues such as inequalities, climate change and social justice. In this interview we talk about changing your mindset and habits, learning collectives and systemic transformation. This is the 5th and last episode of the serie Futures, in which we interview key players in the design scene working in the public sector in Europe. We have plan this serie with Anni Leppänen as part of her larger research for understanding the current change in the government and the design sector. We wanted to envision collaboratively how this could be in 2030. This serie has interviews describing cases in Denmark, Sweden, Estonia, and the UK. This interview is part of the lists: Futures in public sector, Dinamarca y diseño, Futuros y diseño. The lists can be find in our Website, in Youtube and Spotify.