DARK HORSES NO MORE?!?! Dazzling Derek Benesch, End of Binge, State of Wrestling and MORE!!!!

Dirty Mike, Big Ugly, and CMPfunk return to talk Top Gun, Star Wars, and the end of the binge era. They have something for wrestling fans as well as they discuss WWE's recent booking, EWA powerhouse tag team breaks up, and an exclusive with wrestling manager Dazzling Derek Benesch. All this and MORE!!!

Om Podcasten

If you are a fan of professional wrestling, like a little fantasy booking, news updates, and all around talk of wrestling this is the show to listen to. Dirty Mike and The Big Ugly discuss their thoughts on current WWE booking, matches, and wrestlers. We invite you guys to listen and send us emails with your thoughts on WWE/wrestling, questions, and topic suggestions. We ain't right, we ain't wrong, we're just fans.