Mailchimp vs. Klaviyo – Which is Best For Your Business?

There are a lot of email platforms out there to choose from. It’s hard to know which will fit your e-commerce business best. They all seem to have different pricing, features and capabilities. So, I’ve saved you a job and compared two of the most popular email platforms – Mailchimp and Klaviyo. In today’s video, I take a look at their features, pricing and more. It's a must-watch if you’re running email marketing. And a must-watch if you aren’t (because you really should be).   Watch this as a video instead: Get a FREE review of your website @ Get the show notes @ Download our eBook @ You May Also Enjoy… The Marketing Power of Gift Cards and Vouchers: How to Plan Your Marketing Budget: 615% Organic Traffic Increase With SEO and Content:     

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Looking for ways to increase your website’s visibility and significantly grow the sales it generates? Join bestselling digital marketing author and Head Ninja at Exposure Ninja Tim Cameron-Kitchen as he, the Ninjas and special guests share ‘real life’ actionable tips straight from the digital marketing front line. Whether it's learning about SEO, Pay Per Click, Facebook Ads, Google Analytics, Digital PR, Conversion-Optimised Web Design or anything else Digital Marketing, hear case studies and actionable tips from people who live marketing all day every day. More information and show notes are available at the podcast website