7 Essential B2B Marketing Strategies [REWIND]

This episode is a re-upload of a classic, but still highly relevant, podcast episode about the best B2B marketing strategies. Enjoy! Be honest — when you think of B2B marketing strategies, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? There’s a good chance that you thought of something boring, right? Maybe something like publications on trade magazines, a feature article on the local newspaper, a trade show appearance, or the perennial B2B favourite — cold calling. Lots of it. To be fair, the reputation of B2B being an acronym for “boring-to-boring” isn’t exactly false. For the longest time, traditional business-to-business (B2B) marketing has been associated with dry articles in industry magazines, conference keynotes and meetings with potential clients. But in the digital world we live in, there’s simply no reason B2B marketing has to be dull. In fact, the most successful B2B marketing campaigns today draw direct inspiration from business-to-consumer (B2C) campaigns. Watch the video instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hukEe9qfFzg Get a FREE review of your website @ https://exposureninja.com/rpod/review/ Get the show notes @ https://exposureninja.com/podcast/205/ Download our eBook @ https://exposureninja.com/your-google-book/ You May Also Enjoy…    

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Looking for ways to increase your website’s visibility and significantly grow the sales it generates? Join bestselling digital marketing author and Head Ninja at Exposure Ninja Tim Cameron-Kitchen as he, the Ninjas and special guests share ‘real life’ actionable tips straight from the digital marketing front line. Whether it's learning about SEO, Pay Per Click, Facebook Ads, Google Analytics, Digital PR, Conversion-Optimised Web Design or anything else Digital Marketing, hear case studies and actionable tips from people who live marketing all day every day. More information and show notes are available at the podcast website https://exposureninja.com/podcast/