Award-winning company culture & the relevance of capacity building as a founder – Robert Glazer, Acceleration Partners

30+ awards für company culture and a lot of learnings in capacity building and leadershipment – that is what Robert Glazer brings into the interview. He wrote three books and shares all of his knowledge, so that you can start your personal development as a leader and elevate your team. What you’ll learn: How to be a good leader for a remote team or a physical one How to hire exactly the people your company needs – without telling them you are “that one company” with “that important values” How to build team capacity and a good matching, divers team Which qualities are often overlooked when it comes to leaders? ALL ABOUT UNICORN BAKERY: (00:00:58) How did you get into writing books? What was the process, what's your story? (00:03:41) How is personal development as a leader different from creating a framework to see your team grow? (00:06:23) How do I decide if I want a remote team or not? Where do leadearship styles differ? (00:08:52) What makes a good leader and how honest do you need to be? (00:10:35) How do you define capacity and what should I consider as a leader when building capacity? (00:15:21) Do I need to look for a leader who has a good leadership style or one who fits my values? (00:17:48) How do I build a good team before I build capacity and how important is diversity? (00:23:24) How do I build capacity for my team and how individual/general do I go? (00:25:41) How do you define culture and how do you make sure everyone knows how important it is? (00:28:56) How do I find candidates that fit my company values? (00:31:34) What leadership traits are often overlooked? (00:33:22) Who is your new book written for and what can the reader expect? Robert Glazer LinkedIn: Acceleration Partners: WHATSAPP NEWSLETTER: 1-2x a week you'll get a personalized voice note or content from me that will make you a better founder, sign up now with one click:

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Unicorn Bakery is the startup podcast about the essential questions and issues in founding a startup. We interview the world’s leading startup founders and venture capital investors to cover every stage of the startup process, from ideation and strategy to technical, legal and financial issues. Listen to stories and lessons learned from the world's best founders and learn what it takes to create and scale your own startup.