7. The Power of Birth Stories’ Narratives and Intellectual Generosity with Maria Antoniak and Karen Levy

This episode features Maria Antoniak, a PhD student, and Karen Levy, an assistant professor, who are both in the Department of Information Science at Cornell. Maria, who has a background in computational linguistics, and Karen, who has a background in law and sociology, are co-authors, along with David Mimno, on the CSCW 2019 paper "Narrative Paths and Negotiation of Power in Birth Stories". We discuss the formation of identity in online communities, approaches for protecting the privacy of users, the different submission and review processes in computing venues, and balancing new methodology and applications. Within an interdisciplinary department, Karen and Maria advocate for "learning to lift up each other’s work" and being "intellectually generous" across disciplines.

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Large-scale data has become a major component of research about human behavior and society. But how are interdisciplinary collaborations that use large-scale social data formed and maintained? What obstacles are encountered on the journey from idea conception to publication? In this podcast, we investigate these questions by probing the “research diaries” of scholars in computational social science and adjacent fields. We unmask the research process with the hope of normalizing the challenges of and increasing accessibility in academia. Music: Jon Gillick.