DAE Design Research Podcast - Marie Caye – SAM #6
Design Research Podcast - A podcast by Design Research Podcast

It’s hard to describe SAM in words, according to Caye, who wanted to create an intriguing future vending machine that you never saw before. Sam is a Symbiotic Autonomous Machine, showing it’s capacity to be autonomous; he calculates the costs, manages recipes and after payment pours you a cool refreshing drink. Pushing the independency of the machine to the next level Caye and co-designer Arvid Jense leave you with a question: ‘why not give SAM a legal status? Interview: Katinka Baehr | Editing and sounddesign: Jair Stein | Mix: Alfred Koster | Editor in chief: Jennifer Pettersson | Soundtrack: Blue Dot Sessions – Soothe / Sunset at Sandy Isle / Hickory Interlude. Music: www.freemusicarchive.org