Makenzie’s Inspirational Lifestyle - All Her Tips & Tricks, Hosted by Abby Dentino
Closing out season 2 of the DELIGHTED BY Life & Business Podcast is a super fun interview between Makenzie Marzluff and Abby Dentino. In this episode, Makenzie tells us all about her lifestyle from the choices she makes for her health, beauty, & home to the daily practices she incorporates and how she stays grounded. Learn tons of special tips & tricks for improving your lifestyle, as well as some of her favorite products she uses personally.
Listen in and unlock some of the special keys to living a full, healthy & conscious life!
Makenzie’s Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie (slightly adjusted from Medical Medium’s recipe)
- 1 cup of homemade Hemp Milk (easy to make! 1 cup Hemp seeds + 4 cups water, blended & placed in jar)
- 2 organic oranges
- 1 cup frozen WILD blueberries
- 1-3 frozen organic bananas (I buy organic bananas in bulk, cut and freeze them once ripe)
- Large handful of organic cilantro
- Large handful of organic parsley
- Large handful of organic spinach (I like to freeze my spinach for use in smoothies)
- 1.5 tbsp HealthForce Superfoods VITAMINERAL GREEN Powder
- Reformer Pilates - We recommend finding a local studio and giving a group reformer class a try! We promise you won’t regret it. However, during quarantine, you can do mat pilates online at Pilates Anytime
- Learn About the 5 Tibetan Rights
- Order Essential Oils Here!
- Binaural beats - Check ‘em out on youtube!
- EMF Blocker - We recommend two brands, Somavedic or BluShield.
- Medical medium
- Laundry Strips - You can find some at your local Whole Foods or at Tru Earth
- Package Free Shop
- Shampoo & Condition bars: Ethique, Unwrapped, and By Humankind.
- Heavy metal detox smoothie