Eat This NOT-Cheese and Receive A Powerful Activation Into Your Truest Divine Expression - Feat. Julie Piatt of SriMu

Delighted By Life & Business Podcast

Julie Piatt (also known as @srimati) is the founder of SriMu - a paleo, vegan, gluten free, dairy free cheese company that is revolutionizing the way we see and consume food. Julie is a an author of 3 best-selling plant-based cookbooks, a host of her internationally acclaimed podcast, conscious entrepreneur, mother, wife and all around devotee to all things that are sacred.


In this episode we discuss:

  • Julie’s NOT-Cheese Company, SriMu, and how it is vastly different from other food companies
  • The meditation practice she has all of her team members do before touching the product at work
  • Living as your truest divine expression and following your heart’s genuine joy
  • How Julie feels being fully plant-based after many years
  • Why Julie sees the real New Year being in September, as opposed to January
  • Living full out in your creative expression
  • Why SriMu is currently a subscription service


And so much more! Julie is highly attuned to her true divine nature and speaks very openly on this podcast about her spirituality, her practices, and her approach to life on earth.

