The Secrets of Sisterhood feat. Vylanna Marcus and Azrya Bequer Deja Blu - Ep.40

Vylana Marcus, Azrya Bequer and Blu all got to sit down and really dive deep into what sisterhood truly means to them. This episode evoked some deep belly laughter as these powerful ladies shared how competition, jealousy and comparison was once a huge part of sisterhood for them. How can we shift the narrative from comparison to inspiration? From competition to lifting each other up?  Sisterhood has been one of the greatest places of self development and personal growth for Blu and this topic is very close to her heart.  Enjoy Blu Birds! Together we fly.  @vylanamarcus @Iazrya Support the Deja Blu Podcast: See for privacy information.

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DeJa Blu is a space to dive deep into the unknown. Uncovering the mysteries of unlocking the potential of the human experience. Blu is here to get raw, unscripted and unapologetic in sharing her own personal journey of awakening into her truth with the intention to help others come home into their heart.