Data Brew Season 1 Episode 4: BI on Data Lakes - Making it Real for Retail

In this session, we discuss the lessons learned with Lara Minor, Senior Enterprise Data Manager at Columbia Sportswear, on how her team achieved a 70% reduction in pipeline creation time. This had reduced ETL workload times from four hours with previous data warehouses to minutes enabling near real-time analytics. Her team migrated from multiple legacy data warehouses, run by individual lines of business, to a single scalable, reliable, performant data lake.See more at

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Welcome to Data Brew by Databricks with Denny and Brooke! In this series, we explore various topics in the data and AI community and interview subject matter experts in data engineering/data science. So join us with your morning brew in hand and get ready to dive deep into data + AI! For this first season, we will be focusing on lakehouses – combining the key features of data warehouses, such as ACID transactions, with the scalability of data lakes, directly against low-cost object stores.