Vienna Pharaon

Thank you for joining us again on The Pretty Intense Podcast. Today on the show is Vienna Pharaon. She is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She is the author of a new book called "The Origins Of You". Immediate disclosure, she has been my therapist for about a year and a half. We started the episode with me, going into the 4 most impactful things I learned while working with Vienna. The thing about doing personal development work is even knowing you need to do it. The first thing we talk about is knowing how to access the observer. How do you access that observer in a heated moment before you just end up in your pattern, in your trigger? There are so many access points that Vienna gives to get into those places, so we can truly access more joy, more peace, in our lives. Isn't that the point? It comes through some pain. It comes through some change, and it comes through facing things and sitting in the fire. The work is never done, but there are levels to it. I love the work. I love being more happy and more joyful, and maybe having a more accurate perspective from time to time, and not being caught in my patterns, or "The Origins Of You." There is so much to learn in this episode. We hope this episode is really helpful in your personal development journey.

Om Podcasten

I'm Danica Patrick and I'm Pretty Intense! I believe that each and every one of us has the power within ourselves to create the life that we really want. And I want to inspire you to go conquer your dreams, both professionally and personally. That's why I created this podcast. We can learn together with intense discussions with my guests about life, inspiring ideas and ultimately realize our true best self. Our guests will be from all aspects of life: They're going to be family, friends, celebrities, musicians, artists, experts and entrepreneurs. Sometimes people haven't necessarily been asked a certain question or maybe someone hasn't thought a certain way or even challenge themselves. And I feel like for me: I got that therapy through interviews. So, this podcast is going to be intense therapy! We're gonna go as deep as we can possibly go with people and learn what learn how they what they did, and how you can too. Join me for this deep only warning is, it could get Pretty Intense!