Rich Cooper

Welcome to The Pretty Intense Podcast. You're gonna need to buckle your six point harness for this one. It was a very interesting conversation with Rich Cooper. He is an author. He wrote a book called the "Unplugged Alpha". He has a YouTube channel, "Entrepreneurs in Cars". He also has a podcast "The Unplugged Alpha." I have been looking at his stuff on YouTube for a while, and I just thought it would be a cool conversation. Every once in a while I like to get someone on here, that I think we might have an interesting and possibly contentious conversation. We definitely disagreed on some things, but we also agreed on a few things too. He is the deal. It's an alpha signal. He just believes what he believes. I think that is a sign of anyone being an alpha. You have conviction. You know who you are. You know what you believe in. I think intelligent alphas are open minded, and able to change their mind with enough information. I'll let you decide if that is his personality. That is where I come from. I wanted to do the interview thinking, I hope he changes my mind on stuff, because what it will mean is I learned something. You will have to listen all the way to the end to see if that happened. Enjoy the episode with Rich.

Om Podcasten

I'm Danica Patrick and I'm Pretty Intense! I believe that each and every one of us has the power within ourselves to create the life that we really want. And I want to inspire you to go conquer your dreams, both professionally and personally. That's why I created this podcast. We can learn together with intense discussions with my guests about life, inspiring ideas and ultimately realize our true best self. Our guests will be from all aspects of life: They're going to be family, friends, celebrities, musicians, artists, experts and entrepreneurs. Sometimes people haven't necessarily been asked a certain question or maybe someone hasn't thought a certain way or even challenge themselves. And I feel like for me: I got that therapy through interviews. So, this podcast is going to be intense therapy! We're gonna go as deep as we can possibly go with people and learn what learn how they what they did, and how you can too. Join me for this deep only warning is, it could get Pretty Intense!