Dr. Steven Greer

Welcome back to the Pretty Intense Podcast. I have back on the show the ever so popular Dr. Steven Greer, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject of UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence and technologies, and initiating peaceful contact with interstellar civilizations. Dr. Greer has written 5 books, and produced 4 feature documentaries on the subject of extraterrestrials including “Unacknowledged” https://geni.us/Unacknowledged. His new film coming out later this year "The Lost Reality" will really pull back the curtain on technologies that exist, that we are not using and why. Our last interview with Dr. Greer was so popular, we knew you would enjoy seeing him again. UFO sightings are being reported, more and more, particularly in the last few weeks. We go into what Dr. Greer believes is happening, what exactly we are seeing, and who's technologies they are. If you love this interview and want to learn more, Dr. Greer will be appearing June 10th and 11th at the DC Conference and National Press Club Event: bit.ly/3Yejjqr. Don't miss this out of this world episode.

Om Podcasten

I'm Danica Patrick and I'm Pretty Intense! I believe that each and every one of us has the power within ourselves to create the life that we really want. And I want to inspire you to go conquer your dreams, both professionally and personally. That's why I created this podcast. We can learn together with intense discussions with my guests about life, inspiring ideas and ultimately realize our true best self. Our guests will be from all aspects of life: They're going to be family, friends, celebrities, musicians, artists, experts and entrepreneurs. Sometimes people haven't necessarily been asked a certain question or maybe someone hasn't thought a certain way or even challenge themselves. And I feel like for me: I got that therapy through interviews. So, this podcast is going to be intense therapy! We're gonna go as deep as we can possibly go with people and learn what learn how they what they did, and how you can too. Join me for this deep dive...my only warning is, it could get Pretty Intense!