Introducing the Canter to Walk Transition

Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians - A podcast by Lorna Leeson


So you are a place in your canter where you want to begin to do a little ‘more’.  After a quick ‘google’ of all the different exercises, you see a canter to walk pop up a few times. Canter to walk?! Without a handbrake?!  Yes, and even better, this will begin to prepare you and your horse for so much more to come.  The canter to walk transition can seem daunting when we begin to think about it first. However, once you and your horse have begun working successfully in a few key areas, it does not have to be as complicated as maybe you believe it is. The First Few Canter to Walk Transitions So, before we go any further with this, I feel that it’s important to realize that the first few transitions probably won’t be your best work!  It is completely normal for your horse to include a few, usually wobbly, steps of trot in before he reaches walk. This is okay. Very often, the first few attempts at the canter to walk, even with all of the preparations, can look and feel a little like a child learning to walk!  Hesitant, unbalanced, and looking for support. Keep in mind that canter to walk is not something your horse will do a lot by himself.  And going direct from canter to a balanced, rhythmic walk is definitely not something you will see happening among horses in a field!  This can mean that you will have to both explain and encourage your horse to perform this transition. And, depending on where you are in your training, that may take some time. Read More... Free Half Halt Riding Lesson If the canter to walk seems a little too daunting, I would love to help you begin seeing changes where you are right now in your riding. The half halt is the perfect place to begin this process. You can begin today by signing up for my free audio horse riding lesson on the topic. Created so that you can listen while you ride; you and your horse together, this training will help both you and your horse become more responsive and ‘working together’. Get your free audio horse riding lesson HERE Or visit Get Support & Guidance in Your Riding Join Connection today and transform your riding journey Improve Your Canter – 4 Week Program Online community for equestrians working on their mindset & Fitness Online Community for equestrians focusing on re-schooling horses (and ex-racehorse

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