Declutter Your Riding and Watch What Happens…

Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians - A podcast by Lorna Leeson


I bet that you still remember the day you made your first ‘big’ equestrian-related purchase.  Whether that was a helmet, a saddle, a horse, or a property, it’s a special time for all riders.  And of course, all of the ‘big ones’ that come after that are equally as memorable. The same applies to your riding.  That feeling when you ‘finally’ understood the canter and how to move with your horse – rather than bouncing against it!  Or the first clear round you and your horse worked together to achieve. Big moments that, just like physical things, usually lead you on the path to your next ‘big thing’. And as riders, we also tend to collect a whole lorry load of smaller things as well.  The amounts of which tend to correlate to the amount of time we’ve considered ourselves as ‘riders’.  The daily essentials that, over time, we find we have 7 or 8 of each one (hands up who has a whole cupboard of brushes in the tack room!). Read the Full Article for this Episode HERE:- Get Going in Your Riding:- Daily Strides Premium is back! The first and original audio horse riding lessons you can use to improve your riding, train your horse, keep things interesting, have fun... Even if you don't have a trainer or coach Start today:- Daily Strides Podcast Calendar Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Mindset & Fitness for Equestrians Private Group Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group

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