Karen Queally - 24 year Active Run Streak, Physical Therapist

Karen is from CA and began her run streak on January 1, 1997. Her minimum is 3 miles or 45 minute, whichever comes first. She has run through a broken arm as well as breast cancer. Over the course of her running career she has completed 193 marathons.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dailyrunwithza/support

Om Podcasten

Streak running (running every single day) is not just about the run, it's about how running sustains us in life. I will share my daily run experience from over 18 years of a daily run streak. I will be interviewing other run streakers as well as sharing tips and motivation in how you can do it too! www.dailyrunwithza.com #dailyrunwithza Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dailyrunwithza/support