Episode 189: Max McCalman
Cutting the Curd - A podcast by Heritage Radio Network

Tune in for a fun and insightful episode of Cutting the Curd as Greg Blais is joined by friend and cheese expert Max McCalman. Max is a highly visible advocate for artisanal cheese production, and is renowned as one of the cheese worlds living legends for his expertise, insight and passion. Max is a dedicated scholar of cheese, where he acts as consultant to the trade, judges at cheese competitions and is a frequent guest lecturer. He was Americas first restaurant-based Maître Fromager. Maxs work takes him across North America and Europe, speaking at conferences and festivals, and most passionately, to explore the dairies and farms that contribute to artisanal cheese making. Max has been conferred the title of Maître Fromager as designated by Frances Guilde des Fromagers. This program was brought to you by Fairway Market. There a lot of people who still look at cheese like its an indulgence. I eat cheese like theres no tomorrow. [04:00] I recommend, if youre buying cheese, that you buy less and buy often. You dont stock up - its not that kind of experience. Buy it like you buy fish. [29:00] --Max McCalman on Cutting the Curd