FFWN: Is Genocide Denial a Sin?
Culture Wars Podcast - A podcast by Culture Wars Staff

E. Michael Jones joins Kevin Barrett to break down the week's horrendous happenings...and to pay tribute to the martyred hero Yahya Sinwar. Links: https://kevinbarrett.heresycentral.is/2024/10/ffwn-is-genocide-denial-a-sin-with-e-michael-jones/ Support the show: https://fundrazr.com/ffwn-iran-v-israel ——— NOW AVAILABLE! Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control 2nd Ed.: https://www.fidelitypress.org/book-products/libido-dominandi Dr. Jones Books: fidelitypress.org/ Subscribe to Culture Wars Magazine: culturewars.com Donate: culturewars.com/donate Follow: https://culturewars.com/links