Episode 46: Fluffy Friend or Formidable Foe? Rabbits and Hares in Folklore
Crow and Fern's Guide to Weird Fiction, Folklore, Mythology, and Everything in Between - A podcast by Dr. Crow and Ms. Fern

Today I fulfill my promise to Crow to "put her through hell" as we discuss one of her favorite phobias-- rabbits and hares. We'll talk about the folklore throughout the ages and across the world. Are rabbits kind and helpful, devious tricksters, or downright dangerous beings who will use their innocent appearance to put us at ease right before they destroy us? Topics today include the Hare in the Moon, Br'er Rabbit/Compère Lapin, Rabbits in witchcraft, Milk hares, the Bunny Man Killer, and yes, the one and only Easter Bunny and the history behind it. Come see if I succeed in scaring Crow with stories of hares and rabbits from folklore and mythology! Reference Links: Eostre Archeology Paper (Cute bunny broaches pg 221): https://www.researchgate.net/publication/346357286_The_Shifting_Baselines_of_the_British_Hare_Goddess Bunny Man Creepy Pasta (Forbes): https://www.castleofspirits.com/the-classics/the-clifton-bunny-man Brian A Conley's Paper on the Bunny Man: https://research.fairfaxcounty.gov/local-history/bunnyman Social Media Accounts: Instagram: crowandfernsguide TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide Twitter: @Crow_and_fern Tumblr: CrowandFern Email: [email protected] Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later). Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links