Episode 34: Soylent Green: A Tale of Ecological Dystopias
Crow and Fern's Guide to Weird Fiction, Folklore, Mythology, and Everything in Between - A podcast by Dr. Crow and Ms. Fern

Make room, make room! The world's overpopulated and authors, artists, screenwriters alike are trying to think of solutions to save us from the consequences of our hubris. Crow's talking environmental dystopias this week as she dissects a weird favorite: Soylent Green! Grab a cup of hot cocoa and huddle up as the world burns around us, children, as we look into a genre that's become more relevant than ever--its origins, how it developed throughout the decades, and whether or not Soylent Green might come to a grocery store near you! Social Media Accounts: Instagram: crowandfernsguide TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide Twitter: @Crow_and_fern Tumblr: CrowandFern Email: [email protected] Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later). Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links References: https://www.jstor.org/stable/42751030?read-now=1&seq=6#page_scan_tab_contents https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=ySGcwOW5xBsC&oi=fnd&pg=PA275&dq=soylent+green&ots=bzAVb7tkVZ&sig=4JSCn2rrcBMv9U5SrQiwA3_ObWc https://www.syfy.com/syfy-wire/soylent-green-made-people-science-bad-idea