The Circle of Influence and Concern Theory - Katie Abey

Creative Ways Podcast - A podcast by Emma Isaacs


Katie Abey is an illustrator, she has a successful empire, spreading shear joy for others ‘creating positive things for other proud weirdos’  Using her adorable fun characters and empowering messages through her books, fashion such as cute fun skirts, T's, Pins, funny cards, and mugs, she has a cup of kindness mug which is just literally happiness in a cup I say empire because not only has Katie and her gorgeous husband Jeff got a successful online store, they have a brick and mortar shop too, running a team of people plus Katie illustrate books, all the while being true to herself and sharing her vulnerability, and growth through her business and products. I asked Katie to chat about how important mindset is as a Creative and I asked her to talk about the Circle of influence and concern theory which is a habit we can all do and keep to each week to feel more in control. Katie’s Take aways- 1.Don’t be afraid to try lots of things with your business and see what works. 2.Different income streams helps relieve stress around money. 3.You can be confident and introverted! 4.Watch how busy you are and if it’s a regular unhealthy pattern to avoid feeling things. 5.Work out and only concentrate on what you do have control over. 6.Protect your energy! 7.You can learn how to Use your bad day to help others through your art. This action can help you no end. 8.Learn and try to change your perception of a situation. 9.Talking about mental health makes it a friend rather than a beast and you will feel empowered. Bring it out into the light! 10.Showing your vulnerability helps others. 11.Shine your own weird light! 12.We are a work in progress, we are never finished! You can find all of Katie’s gorgeous products on Etsy They also offer a gorgeous box of happiness with lots of her products packed inside and sent out to your loved one or of course if you’re like me you’ll have ordered one for yourself too! Books - 7 Habits of highly effective people with Stephen R Covey Alan watts - Become what you are Podcast  Oprah Winfrey - Supersoul Sunday’s  

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