Take us to the Woods! This week I discuss the true importance of Trees and Woodlands in healing and songwriting with artist - Lisa Murdock
Creative Ways Podcast - A podcast by Emma Isaacs

Singer-songwriter and Sound bath healer Lisa Murdoch, uses her pain as her big message through her breathtakingly impactful songs. Lisa left her place at a highly sought-after music degree at Manchester university after feeling unaligned and generally out of saughts, then covid hit and before long her anxiety got worse, to the point she would no longer leave her house. Going through this painfully dark season would break most, but Lisa kept searching, learning, partying and surrounding she started to take night-time walks in the woods, and this is where her music came to her once again. Only this time so much had changed. Lisa has stepped into an unapologetic badass of the woods who loves to turn heads with her art. Lisa’s energy I found like Kate Bush and Bork – sweet pure but make no mistake completely ahead of us all. I can’t wait to see Lisa take over the charts with her gifts! Lisa's Takeaways 1. Follow zero people on your Instagram - you get to decide you you’re exposed too 2. Surround yourself with different perspectives. 3. Spiritual awakenings aren’t easy 4. Call your ‘breakdown a transformation but that’s what it truly is 5. Getting quiet and going within is quite normal as there is a lot to process 6. Any shift like a breakdown, or anxiety to not leave the house can make us go into blame but that’s the ego brain keeping us small, we have to be selfish at that point as it takes up all of the head space and we might not have articulated it. 7. Look at your ancestral roots it might be the connection and feeling of belonging you need for the permission of what you’re naturally drawn to 8. Even though we are proud of our roots and authenticity, growing up but growing up we need to see people who reflect us. As it’s in our survival makeup 9. Get to the woods Trees have so much for the senses not just visual either 10. A message from the heart goes straight through the heart 11. Words have power – we fear the word witch why aren’t they afraid of the men who drowned the witches? Links Lisa Murdoch Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/1mEb5jFImvZxRYjwgsVtH3?si=KaURBcWkQN2gSzpbLT2Aow Insta handle www.instagram.com/itslisamurdoch Emma Isaacs https://www.emmaisaacs.co.uk/create-your-calm https://www.emmaisaacs.co.uk