How to change your life to one that’s more aligned in mind, body & spirit with Kim Flodin
Creative Ways Podcast - A podcast by Emma Isaacs
Kim is a healer, Reiki but also a colouring book healing coach. Kim has been through so much in her years, she had asthma since a toddler, having 3 inhalers a day. She also had a huge 5 hour operation for endometriosis finding a huge tumour, a few years later aged 40, Kim had an extreme case of bacterial phenomena, she was hospitalised and off work for months. This was all nearly 20 years ago and she hasn’t had a single pill inhaler or any medication since! Kim's drastically changed her fast lane high powered life to one that’s calm and centred and free from medication for extreme life long asthma & allergies! Kim has aligned her health in body, mind and spirit and she started that through art with her own healing journey and created a colouring book business when it all was so new! She now amongst reiki healing, teaches how to fall in love with yourself and a big one, how to say no! Kim just took the next step at the time when she had no idea if it was right, trusting the process, she had literally nothing at one point, in a new state no where near family, she had to start over with no idea what to do! Kim just knew colouring was helping her for that moment, that minute that day, not thinking too big, just what felt good at that time. Listening to her inner thoughts, intuition, and her gut, what felt good and nourishing! Kim’s Takeaways 1.Seeking counselling or any professional help is another form of being healthy and growing 2.Listen to your inner body it, your gut doesn’t lie. 3.Colouring books are great for healing you don’t you don't have to overthink it! It’s just for you! 4.You just need to know the next step 5.Fall in love with yourself, your body and health will thank you for it! 6. Learn to say no if it’s not serving you, you’re not going to help others if your cup isn't filled up. 7. You can’t think a negative of someone that’s not already in yourself! 8. Shift negative thoughts to compassion 9. Stories and laughter always get you through. 10. Breath work is the daily work! Kim Flodin Wim Hoff Micheal Pollan Gary Renard Byron Katie