Black Lives Matter U.K - True Colours

Creative Ways Podcast - A podcast by Emma Isaacs


What does Black Lives Matter actually stand for in the UK?  Spoken word artist and fashion label True colours explains what it's really like growing up in U.K as a second-generation Nigerian. Prior to Nigeria's independence from Britain, gained in 1960, many Nigerians studied in the UK. This doesn't mean everything has been rosy. True Colours dives deep into the mindsets and ignorance he and of course most has had to endure all of his life.  We of course talk about True colours poetry and fashion labels but I also wanted him to come on and tell us his experiences and point of view at this time in history here In the U.K. True  Colours Takeaways  1.You Could be the inspiration or huge influence to a young person, that might be a neighbour or your child’s friend, never underestimate the power of your words of actions. 2.Its about being different and celebrating this not being the same! 3.BLM is about respect to every human not one community! 4.Get uncomfortable, watch those documentaries or tackle that Acquaintance who’s rolling her eyes about another protest during a pandemic. 5.Writing is freedom. We have a responsibility to keep this going if it’s within us and we have the freedom to express it. 6.Don’t be afraid of asking your friends and love ones their views and feelings at this time. These conversations need to be kept going; we can’t let them be swept away again. 7.Step into your individuality and show your uniqueness. 8.You be you and be the best version you can be! Go check out True colours on Instagram and YouTube a- true_colours_clothing_offical True Colours Dad Book Biafra's Struggle for Survival by Christopher Chukwuemeka Ejiofor              

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