29: Carl Jung • Seven Sermons to the Dead (Part III)
Creative Codex - A podcast by MJDorian

On this episode, we will conclusively answer this question: why was Gnosticism so important to Dr. Carl Jung? Along the way, we will dive deep into Sermons 5 thru 7 to answer these questions: what is the relationship between spirituality and sexuality? How does Jung's libido theory differ from Freud's libido theory? What is the significance of the dove and the serpent in religious symbolism? According to the Seven Sermons to the Dead: what is the goal of life? As mentioned in the episode–here is Jung's mysterious anagram–which is found on the bottom of the final page of the Seven Sermons to the Dead: NAHTRIHECCUNDE GAHINNEVERAHTUNIN ZEHGESSURKLACH ZUNNUS. --------- Become a supporter of Creative Codex and gain access to all the exclusive episodes, including the Kurt Cobain series, on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mjdorian --------- A full transcript of this episode is available here: https://mjdorian.com/transcripts/ --------- Cover Art: Dove & Serpent by MJDorian. Follow more of my art here: Instagram: @mjdorian --------- Books used as sources for this episode: Memories, Dreams, Reflections by Dr. Carl Jung & Anielle Jaffe The Red Book by Dr. Carl Jung The Gnostic Scriptures by Bentley Layton The Gnostic Jung by Stephan Hoeller The Gnostic Jung by Robert A. Segal and Psychology of the Unconscious by Dr. Carl Jung For a practical application of Jungian Psychology, the author, Robert Johnson, has written numerous books. The one mentioned in the conclusion of this episode: Inner Work. --------- Follow my work & see updates about future episodes on my social media: Instagram: @mjdorian Twitter: @mjdorian --------- Thank you to all of my Patreon supporters. And shout-outs to the Shadow Fam: AKD, Anna Wolff, Aranea Push, Barak Talker, Corey, Clark Price, Clinton King, Dallas Okelly, Diana, DVM, Glen QuiltSwissy, Hamed Iranmehr, Hilde, Jay, Jen The Atelierista, Jye Marchant, Kayla Dawson, Keith, Kristina Lamour Sansone, Michael Lloyd, Owen McAteer, Rebecca, Ruben Corona, Simon Bonanno, Sowmya Harigaran, Stephanie Neal, Viggs Verikas, and Yadie Cisneros. Thank you for your support! --------- Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian. All rights reserved.