Ch 4 Part 1 - Vindication - Wollstonecraft

CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers - A podcast by Heather Ordover


Full Video Series at Mary Wollstonecraft Eats the Rich and Eviscerates the Haters 00:00 Opening 01:07  I Have Notes 03:28 Challenges of Change and Freedom 09:57 Education and Women's Dependency 12:49 Women's Power and Societal Expectations 14:04 Equal Education and Virtue 17:45 Critique of Chivalry and Courtesy 20:38 Conclusion and Upcoming Content 21:35 START of Chapter 4 and Women's Degradation 24:19 The Role of Reason and Rationality 29:04 Cultural and Societal Influences 31:16 The Pursuit of Pleasure and Its Consequences 38:22 The Impact of Education and Social Expectations 43:10 Comparisons with the Rich and Powerful 45:01 Adam Smith Extended Quote Starts Here 53:41 The Call for Equality and Rational Education 55:20 Like Emma's Reading List! 56:38 (I swear, Austen memorized this bit!) 59:50 (Possibly my favorite part of the book to date—HA!) 1:00:50 Tenant of Wildfell Hall parallel 01:06:03 END of Ch 4 Part 1 • If you've never read Anne Brontë, please take a listen to CraftLit's "The Tenant of Wildfell Hall" (starts with episode 516— She's the most shocking, most modern, and arguably the best of the Brontë writers. You likely missed her b/c Charlotte didn't like this book's 'sensibilities' and did what she could to ghost it after Anne's death. Bad Charlotte! • "Seventy-times-seven" please see Aarne-Thompson  Tale-Types & Motifs for more:

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