455 - Chapters 77-78 - The Count of Monte Cristo

CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers - A podcast by Heather Ordover


455 - Swangry! 2:06 BOOKTALK a  () is like a lute. .  "How was it that Dionysius the Tyrant became a schoolmaster? REALLY it was Denys the Younger who was (a tyrant and) expelled from Syracuse in 343BC OR even MORE REALLY it was Dionysius the Younger or Dionysius II (ibid) But Maier wrote a legend about Dionysius II in his book Atalanta Fugiens (1617), where he was shipwrecked at Corinth and—although he lived poorly—he became a teacher. (Um... Yeah...that's supposed to mean poor-but-happy-because-teaching, I think). Pythoness is a female soothsayer or prophetess Proverbs 19:17–`He who giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord. New International Bible: 17 Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done. King James: 17 He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again Kiosk - A small open gazebo or pavilion. - in BUSS Translation "Pavilion" To muffle oars - bandage the parts that fit into the oarlocks Calumny - n. The utterance of maliciously false statements; slander. Sign up for the (infrequent) .  Get the most recent email (though it won't have your name on it).   Ways to subscribe to CraftLit: your weekly annotated audiobook podcast: Click here to subscribe via Click here to subscribe via You can also subscribe via Or subscribe through the app (see below) | FEEDBACK | You can ask your questions, make comments, and let us know what you do when you listen to CraftLit! Let your voice be heard. Download the FREE CraftLit App for or or smartphones and tablets (you can call or straight from within the app) Call 206-350-1642 Email [email protected] Use our !   Want a button?        

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