411: Chapter 15 — The Count-- PARENTAL ADVISORY skip 8:05-20:20

CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers - A podcast by Heather Ordover


Chapter 15 — The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandré Dumas Book talk starts at 13:31 Call in Line - 1-206-350-1642 Call in and leave an audio comment - First CoMC episode: | | APRIL 2006 - April 2016 • TEN YEARS of CRAFTLIT| Send an audio clip of you telling us about your fave book! This way, if you missed the 400th Episode Share-fest, you can do it now. Call our voicemail line: 206-350-1642 or use Speakpipe.com/craftlit (now you can talk for THREE minutes!). | Today's Paris Tour Insight | Dianne’s number 1-800-826-2266, : Keyword "Craft" | A Quilt for Henry | If you would like to be part of for Vanessa's son, please click the link and you'll go to Mollie's (gorgeous) blog where you'll find all the information and instructions. |Crafty Chat Livestream links | • Thank you, • Many thanks to Elsie and Jess at for recommending John and Justin at AES! Bolded time codes take you to as do the pictures below Dwarf • Cthulhu Mitered Matchmaker Dawn's Grandmother's Crochet hook • Crystal Palace hook How to troubleshoot Google issues • Gus! ** - ** - ** - ** - ** - ** - ** - ** - ** The ** Martina Behm's ** - ** - ** - Dawn's fave hook (originally her grandmothers), ** - ** - ** Gus ** - Rescue Animal Podcast - How Heather managed to wash really smelly dog hair (I wouldn't recommend PineSol on sheep or alpaca or camel or anything that won't be heavily blended with another fiber) Our CraftLit Channel can be found at What do YOU want to hear about on a Crafty Chat?   | BOOK TALK • 13:31 | SKIP THIS SECTION if kids are listening 8:05-20:20— The Writing On The Wall (get it?!) Closeup of The Writing: By - www.nationalgallery.org.uk :  : , Public Domain Translation Variations French version: À force de se dire à lui-même, à propos de ses ennemis, que le calme était la mort, et qu'à celui qui veut punir cruellement il faut d'autres moyens que la mort, il tomba dans l'immobilité morne des idées de suicide; malheur à celui qui, sur la pente du malheur, s'arrête à ces sombres idées! C'est une de ces mers mortes qui s'étendent comme l'azur des flots purs, mais dans lesquelles le nageur sent de plus en plus s'engluer ses pieds dans une vase bitumineuse qui l'attire à elle, l'aspire, l'engloutit. Une fois pris ainsi, si le secours divin ne vient point à son aide, tout est fini, et chaque effort qu'il tente l'enfonce plus avant dans la mort. Public Domain version: By dint of constantly dwelling on the idea that tranquillity was death, and if punishment were the end in view other tortures than death must be invented, he began to reflect on suicide. Unhappy he, who, on the brink of misfortune, broods over ideas like these! Before him is a dead sea that stretches in azure calm before the eye; but he who unwarily ventures within its embrace finds himself struggling with a monster that would drag him down to perdition. Once thus ensnared, unless the protecting hand of God snatch him thence, all is over, and his struggles but tend to hasten his destruction. This state of mental anguish is, however, less terrible than the sufferings that precede or the punishment that possibly will follow. There is a sort of consolation at the contemplation of the yawning abyss, at the bottom of which lie darkness and obscurity. Robin Buss' translation (1996, 2003): …eventually he fell into the melancholy quietude of thoughts of suicide. Woe to the man who, sliding into misfortune, is drawn by such dark thoughts! This is one of those dead seas that seem to offer the inviting blue of pure waters, but where the swimmer’s feet are sucked into a bituminous mire which draws him, drags him down and swallows him up. Once caught, he is lost if God does not come to his aid, and every effort that he makes pulls him nearer to death. - The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas ROBIN BUSS • Bituminous Bitumen - a black viscous mixture of hydrocarbons obtained naturally or as a residue from petroleum distillation. It is used for road surfacing and roofing. () | SPREAD THE CLASSICS | Love the happy feeling you get when we start a new book? Consider sharing #CraftLit with your Twitter followers , If you

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