Press Play

Everyone loves to play. And this summer, we’re readier than ever to have fun. After being largely cooped up for a year, Americans are starting to get back out, explore the world, and discover (or rediscover) the things that entertain us. This July 4th weekend, ABC News Radio presents “Press Play.” Host Jason Nathanson explores how we’re being entertained now – what we’re watching, what we’re listening to, and what we’re doing. Jason and the team of ABC correspondents will take you to the movies; to the nation’s newest National Park; and to concerts. They’ll play Pickleball – the fastest growing sport in the country – and introduce you to some obsessed fans. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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When news breaks, when our world changes, when you need questions answered – or when you need an escape from the headlines – this is where you'll find special, in-depth reporting from ABC News Radio. From hour-long shows covering the COVID-19 pandemic, to thoughtful discussions of politics, to celebrations of the arts. This is audio storytelling at its best, powered by ABC News.