Christina Hoff Sommers on Google, GamerGate, and Threats to Free Speech
Conversations with Bill Kristol - A podcast by Bill Kristol

Christina Hoff Sommers is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and host of the popular online series, The Factual Feminist. In this Conversation, Sommers reflects on the “Google memo” and argues that the suppression of free speech at universities now is spilling over into other parts of American life. Sommers also returns to the subject of “GamerGate,” the backlash against political correctness by video game enthusiasts, and describes how that movement has fared in an era of online “trolling” in American politics. Highlighting the decline in free speech on one hand and norms of civility on the other, Sommers calls for an alliance of “fair-minded liberals and conservatives” to restore civic education and respect for the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights.