Ep. 34 Jamie Catto: Let Go And Be

If us humans are exceptionally good at anything, it’s overcomplicating life and our existence.  We are experts at thinking too much, adding meaning where there is none, taking offence where none was intended, becoming confused, befuddled and utterly discombobulated in the process. And the harder we try, the more we complicate things. The result is that we become misaligned with our values and our identity, and further away than ever from living a life of fulfilled potential. The French poet Guillaume Apollinaire famously stated that “now and then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.” Could it really be that simple? Could the secret of being – and being well –  just be about letting go and stopping to simply be? In my latest podcast I spoke with author Jamie Catto, who was a founder member of the band Faithless, and who directed the Ram Dass documentary, Becoming Nobody. Jamie runs workshops, retreats and mentoring programs that aim to encourage us to lighten up and have personal breakthroughs that lead us to more fulfilled, gentle and human experiences.  We talked about learning to sit in acceptance with who we are and how we feel, and how to just be. Enjoy our conversation, and for more information about Jamie and his work visit www.jamiecatto.com.

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Established 2017. Over a million downloads. Personal development from the inside out. Exploring how to be well, do well and live well, seeking out the secret sauce to happiness, contentment and a life of fulfilment. A gentle approach to growing into life, and letting it grow into us. “Filled with personal wisdoms and tokens of positive energy”.