S3 Episode 1 – Kicking off a digital content project with Jack Garfinkel, Senior Content Designer at Scope

Want to introduce content design to your organisation? Jack Garfinkel chats about how he did just that at Scope. From introducing crits and journey mapping, to writing user needs and user research, Jack shares how he started a major content project. He also shares some great tips and insights into how you can involve subject matter experts and other key people in the content process. Here are some of the tools Jack mentions:Hotjar for heatmapsTrello kanban board for prioritising work and...

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Want to make your digital content stand out? Want to reach a bigger audience and really engage your users? Content design is the answer. Combining content strategy, UX, user research and copywriting, find out how content design can help you meet your users' needs. We chat to content and marketing experts about everything from using data to make better content decisions to improving usability and SEO with the right words for your audience. Got a content design question? Tweet @DigiContentPod and we'll answer it.