S1 Episode 7 – How voice tech like Amazon Alexa will change content design

With more and more people using voice tech like Amazon Alexa and Google Home there are lots of new opportunities for designing great voice experiences. We ask Anna Singer, Digital Strategy Lead at Citizens Advice and Alex Rees, Head of Digital at Attest, how they think voice UI will change how we consume content and what that means for content design.https://medium.com/berlin-lean-prototyping/free-tools-to-prototype-voice-interface-without-code-6f758c1b299c

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Want to make your digital content stand out? Want to reach a bigger audience and really engage your users? Content design is the answer. Combining content strategy, UX, user research and copywriting, find out how content design can help you meet your users' needs. We chat to content and marketing experts about everything from using data to make better content decisions to improving usability and SEO with the right words for your audience. Got a content design question? Tweet @DigiContentPod and we'll answer it.