UFO Occult Disclosure: Symbolism of Eggs, Alien Possession, LAM, Dee, Crowley, Parsons, Pasulka & Freemason Great Work!
Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt - A podcast by Isaac Weishaupt

HOT LINKS:VIP Section discount code "EGG" gets 50% off 3 months (*monthly Tier 1 or 2 plans, limited to first 33 sign ups): https://wp.me/P2ijVF-aRLSubstack article Egg UFOs (subscribe while you're there): https://illuminatiwatcher.substack.comOn today's episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast we breakdown the biggest alien revelation you probably missed- a new whistleblower claims he transported a downed egg-shaped UFO and that he had a spiritual possession in the process! I’ll give you the occult background of this entire story that News Nation and the mainstream media would never be able to explain: from John Dee to Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons we’ll connect the symbolism of the egg and how it is part of the Freemason Great Work to start a new alien religion. I’ll provide some background on Garry Nolan’s role and his history with Professor Diana Pasulka and we’ll connect it into LAM, Trinity site, tic tac video, Chris Bledsoe and the Gnostic god of winged eggs! If you already read my Substack article on this subject- don’t change your channel because I’m going much deeper into the occult concepts of alien gods today!NOW UP AD-FREE ON SUPPORTER FEEDS! Links:VIP Section discount code "EGG" gets 50% off 3 months (*monthly Tier 1 or 2 plans, limited to first 33 sign ups): https://wp.me/P2ijVF-aRLSubstack article Egg UFOs (subscribe while you're there): https://illuminatiwatcher.substack.comFREE book, social medias & more: https://allmylinks.com/isaacw Show sponsors- Get discounts while you support the show and do a little self improvement!*CopyMyCrypto.com/Isaac is where you can copy James McMahon’s crypto holdings- listeners get access for just $1 WANT MORE?... Check out my UNCENSORED show with my wife, Breaking Social Norms: https://breakingsocialnorms.com/GRIFTER ALLEY- get bonus content AND go commercial free + other perks:*PATREON.com/IlluminatiWatcher : ad free, HUNDREDS of bonus shows, early access AND TWO OF MY BOOKS! (The Dark Path and Kubrick’s Code); you can join the conversations with hundreds of other show supporters here: Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher (*Patreon is also NOW enabled to connect with Spotify! https://rb.gy/hcq13)*VIP SECTION: Due to the threat of censorship, I set up a Patreon-type system through MY OWN website! IIt’s even setup the same: FREE ebooks, Kubrick’s Code video! Sign up at: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/members-section/*APPLE PREMIUM: If you’re on the Apple Podcasts app- just click the Premium button and you’re in! NO more ads, Early Access, EVERY BONUS EPISODE More from Isaac- links and special offers:*BREAKING SOCIAL NORMS podcast, Index of EVERY episode (back to 2014), Signed paperbacks, shirts, & other merch, Substack, YouTube links & more: