95: TWIN PETES INVESTING 44: The Big Short, #TESLA $BNGO #Genomics #Nasdaq $TSLA $QQQQ #TECH #GOLD #SMT #PCT #ITV #Recycling #RST #BIFF #RWI #FTSE #Inflation #Psychology #CTEC #TBLD #Gaming #Streaming
CONKERS' CORNER - A podcast by CONKERS' CORNER - Fridays
The topics, stocks and shares mentioned/discussed include: The Big Short Tesla / $TSLA Recycling profits Restore / RST Inflation Gold Circular economy Zero Sum Game FTSE 100 Nasdaq / $QQQQ Trading risk / performance Bionano Genomics Inc $BNGO Back to school Psychology Scottish Mortgage Trust / SMT Polar Capital Technology Trust / PCT Renewi / RWI Copycat trading Biffa / BIFF ITV / Streaming TinyBuild Inc / TBLD / Video gaming Herding Bullying Trust & Transparency Ewaste IG Group / IGG CMC Markets / CMCX Technical Analysis President Biden's stimulus cheques Convatec / CTEC Sumo Healthtech Medtech Tech Watchlist Supply chains The Twin Petes Challenge / Charity fundraise for the Menphys Charity Investing Trading & More WE HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS PODCAST. IF YOU DID PLEASE SHARE IT ACROSS SOCIAL MEDIA & WITH FRIENDS/ASSOCIATES YOU KNOW THAT HAVE AN INTEREST IN INVESTING OR TRADING STOCK/ SHARES. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE TO THIS PODCAST.