CD093: Our Future in War

Congressional Dish - A podcast by Jennifer Briney

In this episode, learn about our global war strategy for the 114th Congress through highlights of two Senate Armed Services Committee hearings. Witnesses include former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger, Madeline Albright, and George Shultz and retired military leaders General James Mattis, General Jack Keane, and Admiral William Fallon. Please support Congressional Dish: to contribute with PayPal or Bitcoin; click the PayPal "Make it Monthly" checkbox to create a monthly subscription to support Congressional Dish for each episode via Patreon Mail Contributions to: 5753 Hwy 85 North #4576 Crestview, FL 32536 Thank you for supporting truly independent media! Senate Committee on Armed Services, January 27, 2015 General James N. Mattis, USMC (Ret.) Former Commander, United States Central Command 2010-2013 On the , a blood diagnostics company General John "Jack" M. Keane, USA (Ret.) Former Vice Chief of Staff of the Army 1999 - 2003 On the () as of July 2012 Is a , a private equity firm with investments in IT, medical devices & pharmaceuticals, and surveillance, and defense. On the , which . On the On the , a commercial real estate service in Washington D.C. Admiral William J. Fallon, USN (Ret.) Former Commander, United States Central Command Executive Vice President of Strategy of , which help companies score defense procurement contracts as of April 201, which is The Executive Chairman of the Board is Eric Prince of Blackwater , a cybersecurity company. On the at , which is a cybersecurity company. On the at the Owns his own consulting and advisory business, William J. Fallon & Associates, Inc. Senate Committee on Armed Services, January 29, 2015 Henry Kissinger Government Positions Secretary of State and National Security Advisor to Presidents Ford and Nixon Coordinated the CIA coup that overthrew Allende and installed Pinochet in Chile () Private Positions , a blood diagnostics company Member of the 1994 CSIS American-Ukrainian Advisory Committee (with Brzezinski) , Madeleine Albright Government Positions President Clinton's Secretary of State Private Positions member , and Chair of Albright Capital Management, an affiliated investment advisory firm focused on emerging markets. in , a telecommunications company in Africa. Albright Capital Management is , an international retail company with over 120 stores, that sells things in airport, seaports, and borders, including duty free stores and jewelry stores. Albright Capital Management is also , which supplies government utilities in developing nations with power equipment. Dr. George P. Shultz Government positions President Nixon's Labor and Treasury Secretary President Reagan's Secretary of State Advisor to President George W. Bush: The Wall Street Journal called him Private positions President and Director of the Bechtel Group from 1974-1982, until he became Reagan's Secretary of State 1976: Educated at the On the Board of Directors of , which has something to do with DARPA training and education. , a blood diagnostics company as of March 2014 Information Presented in This Episode Ukraine U.S. Planned Coup Listen to the leaked phone call between Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt. that the United States was behind the installation of the new Ukrainian government. IMF loan Ukraine was awarded , in February 2015. Economic Reforms adopted Increase military spending from 184,000 to 250,000 Stricter punishments for deserters (approximately 10,000 people have deserted the army.) 3-7 years in jail for failure to execute an order that caused grave consequences Privatize Energy , from 20 to 70 percent. by 2.2 times by 3.3 times Deregulation Ukraine is world's Three types of business activities related to agriculture Trade in pesticides and argo-chemicals Cattle breeding activities Fumigation Cut Social Welfare Programs Pension reforms will Weapons to the New Government   Iraq Oil Pipeline . Budget Functions Function 150 Function 150 appears to be Function 150 Music Presented in This Episode Intro & Exit: by (found on by mevio) Blood is Thicker than Oil by (found on by mevio)

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