CD029: Keystone XL Pipeline

Congressional Dish - A podcast by Jennifer Briney

The House passed , a bill waiving permit requirements for the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline and passed , a bill that could raise interest rates for college students while tying their rates to the market. Links to Information in this Episode: Music: by (downloaded from ) , the Keystone XL bill. about Keystone XL's effect on the climate. Refineries in Texas are . Keystone XL route from Canada to Texas running through their land. [caption id="attachment_577" align="aligncenter" width="758"] Bitumen is not oil; it's tar and is sticky like peanut butter.[/caption] 2010 tar sands spill in Kalamazoo, Michigan . [caption id="attachment_578" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Tar sands oil sinks near Kalamazoo, Michigan: August 1, 2010. Source: EPA[/caption] Keystone XL will go over the Ogallala Aquifer from the tar sands spill in Mayflower, Arkansas [caption id="attachment_580" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Tar sands oil next to a home in Mayflower, Arkansas. Source: EPA[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_581" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Tar sands oil flows onto a residential street in Mayflower, Arkansas. Source: EPA[/caption] [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Another river of tar sands oil in Mayflower, Arkansas.[/caption]   from the oil spill fund [caption id="attachment_582" align="aligncenter" width="640"] The pipe that burst in Mayflower, Arkansas was 20 inches in diameter; Keystone XL will be 36 inches in diameter.[/caption] Tar sands energy James Hansen, NASA climatologist, NYT Op-Ed [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="464"] Look how big these earth movers are! Takes a lot of carbon to operate these beasts.[/caption] of the Keystone XL pipeline saying the State Department review isn't good enough for Canadian tar sands. Keystone XL Keystone XL probably Keystone XL Americans are to Keystone XL Music: by () , the student loan bill. Music: by () , the bill that prohibits lying about military medals. , the bill that penalizes chemical attacks and attacks on ships and gives corporations U.S. protection. Representatives Quoted in Order of Appearance

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