Season 7, Episode 1: 10 things UK and EU Compliance officers need to consider in 2023

In the first episode of the new series of Compliance Clarified we discuss 10 things UK and EU Compliance officers need to consider in 2023.In 2022, the financial services sector was influenced by many different factors. On a global level geopolitical, climate and economic risks dominated government’s agendas. Financial services firms were having to find new and innovative ways to address these challenges and the regulatory landscape flexed with more regulations in diversified areas to address the emerging risks.For compliance officers, the increase in regulatory activity, meant an increased workload to be dealt with, at times, by stagnant or reduced budgets.And 2023 show no sign of “let up” with some significant regulatory initiatives being developed to implementation.In this episode, Lindsey Rogerson, Senior Editor Regulatory Intelligence, is joined by Mike Cowan, senior regulatory intelligence expert in London, to discuss the challenges that face compliance officers in 2023. The Compliance Clarified podcast series covers the wide range of topics which affect compliance officers in financial services firms.The series has been designed to help compliance officers make sense of the often-challenging world of financial services regulation, which is now overlaid with expectations not found in the black and white of any rulebook. The role and remit of the compliance officer is ever-growing, and senior compliance officers have had to become polymaths, mastering not only detailed subject matter expertise but also the qualitative mysteries of culture and conduct risk.Compliance Clarified covers the hot topics of the day and the challenges they bring, and aims to offer up practical ideas for emerging good practice.

Om Podcasten

Compliance Clarified is a podcast from Thomson Reuters Regulatory Intelligence.Listen to wide-ranging, insightful discussions on all things compliance for financial services firms. We delve into the hot topics of the day, the challenges faced and offer up practical ideas for emerging good practice. We de-mystify regulation and explore the art, as well as the science, of the ever-expanding role of the compliance officer.  Enforcements, digital transformation, regulatory change, governance, culture, conduct risk – anything and everything impacting the compliance function is up for discussion.